Click Here To Watch The Horror Block Unboxing Video For September 2015 On YouTube
This is my first Horror Block for a few months. It’s a block with a tight theme and although I enjoy some horror, I’m not a massive “gore” person. But it’s always good to check things out every so often.
Standard shipped price to the UK is $32.49 USD (£22 GBP). There are discounts available for subscribing to multiple blocks and for subscriptions longer than one month.
As usual, Horror Block arrived in about a week and came shipped in distinctive packaging, with the black and red Horror Block design.
Box Contents
Death’s Head Moth T-Shirt
This is the usual box exclusive, coming from the Shirt Punch company affiliated with Horror Block.
This is a Silence Of The Lambs reference. It’s not my favourite design, but it is well made.
Shirt Punch charge $10 USD for their shirts, which is handy, as this is the same price I value them at.

Alien Nostromo Collection 2-Pack Titan Vinyl Figures (Exclusive)
This is the big item in this Horror Block.
The 2-Pack comes with both Big Chap and Parker. They are 3″figures.
As best I can tell, these normally sell as Blind Box figures.
Parker is a rare (1 in 20 chance), Big Chap common (2 in 20 chance), although these have exclusive paintwork as well.
The box bar code names these variants as “Bloody Parker” and “Bloody Xenomorph”.
You can buy a variety of 3″ Alien Titan Vinyls on $30 USD seems like a common price point for the double packs.

Horror Face Coaster Set (Exclusive)
There are 8 cardboard coasters, with a different ugly, horror inspired or deformed face on each side.
These aren’t really to my taste, but they do fit with the Horror Block audience. I’ll value them at $5 USD.

Night Of The Living Dead DVD (Exclusive)
This is the original film from 1968. I believe that it’s an exclusive edition as it comes with the documentary “Chronicles Of The Living Dead”. This has been compiled exclusively for Horror Block (although I wouldn’t be surprised to see it released independently down the lines) and includes new interviews with some of the movie’s creators.
I’ve not yet had chance to watch this to see if it the DVD is region free or not.
There are lots of different DVD editions of this. “Night Of The Living Dead” on DVD costs $9 USD on
This is the first of two “Night Of The Living Dead” items in the box this month.

Night Of The Living Dead Fridge Magnets (Exclusive)
I can’t quote from Night Of The Living Dead in the same way I can from other film and TV programmes, but I look these word related movie fridge magnets.
Similar magnet sets sell for $10 USD.
Many more of these magnets please in the other blocks!

Rue Morgue Magazine – October 2015
Getting magazines and books in subscription boxes is a real value bringer for me.
Rue Morgue has a cover price of $9.95 USD and isn’t easily available in the UK.
This is a thick 100 page edition on high quality paper and is an interesting read.

Get Your Own Horror Block Shipped To Your Door
Box Review
A rare find!
There are six items. None of them are really cheap looking. And all but the magazine are exclusives.
I make that $74 of value, for $32.49 shipped to the UK. An easy winner.
That includes a documentary compiled exclusively for this box, which is something of a rarity, and other interesting Horror themed items.
I like the way these boxes are going with several items focused on a particular franchise (in this case “Night Of The Living Dead”).
There are going to be Alien fans who are upset that they’ve missed out on the Vinyls as well.
Horror Block is one of the most consistent blocks within the Nerd Block family. It’s well worth checking out.
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